All of this time also gave me time to think about the last 16 years and NYC and my time here. So many memories, more good than bad. So many things I took for granted - but what New Yorker doesn't have that list. So I want to use this post to write about the things I will miss most, in no particular order. Some will be obvious some will be silly and others are surprising - even to me.
- Being surrounded my family and friends whenever I need or want to be
- Sunday dinners at my parents with fresh mozzarella, foccacia and italian cold cuts
- Wine with friends just because we have wine
- NYC brunch - there is nothing quite like it
- Central Park & Riverside Park with the other dog walkers in the morning
- The Boat Basin in spring and summer, Lela Bar for drinks after work, Bin 71
- Delivery services
- The NYC skyline
- Regular trips out west
- Farmer's markets, Whole Foods, and Korean Delis
- Changing seasons - Green leaves, colored leaves, buds and snow covered branches
- Those perfect fall and spring days - when the temperature is JUST RIGHT
- Mexican food, thai food, chinese food....these are things that aren't exactly easy to find there
- Hulu, Netflix and guilty TV pleasures
- Yankee Stadium
For now, I saw farewell to my first real love NYC. You are and always will be the most amazing city in the world in my eyes. You are the people that live and breath everyday. You are hard and cold and warm and welcoming. I will miss you but never forget you.
Au revoir.....
congrats and good luck!